Where is the screwdriver safe in granny?

The screwdriver is safe in granny’s house. It is in the kitchen drawer, next to the silverware.

There is no specific location for the screwdriver in Granny’s house. However, it is likely that it is stored in a safe place such as a toolbox or a drawer.

Where is the screwdriver on Granny?

The screwdriver is one of the most difficult items to get in the game because you need to push it down using the Crossbow or the Shotgun, all while not being massacred by Granny.

In order to use the screwdriver, you will need to knock it down with the crossbow. This will allow you to see the screwdriver and use it to your advantage.

Where is the safe key in Granny

The Rusty Padlock Key can be found behind the jail ventilator inside of the safe.

To open the compartment on the side of the stairs in the basement, you will need to shoot down the screwdriver from the shelf. Once you have done this, pick up the screwdriver and use it to open the compartment.

Is there a secret room in Granny?

The Hidden Room is a small, dark area that was dug up from the ground. It’s supported by small wooden pillars that are half-buried in the walls. The entrance to it requires crouching, which makes it inaccessible to Granny. Inside is just a small, wooden table with a note on top of it.

The Secret Area is a great place to store your weapons and other valuables. The rooms are well hidden and Granny rarely goes down there, so you can rest assured your things are safe. Just be careful not to make too much noise or she’ll come investigate!

Can you shoot the baby in Granny?

If you want to take down Slendrina’s child, your best bet is to use a long-range weapon or a hand grenade. With either of these methods, you should be able to take the child down for a day.

It is important to keep the main door locked with multiple locks to ensure the safety of the property. The number of locks can be varied depending on the level of security needed. Extra locks can be added for an extra level of security. These locks can be removed with various items, such as a key or a code, in order to open the door.

How do you get into the secret room Granny

To access the room, you need to break a nearby plank using the Hammer, then position the plank across the hole in the floor and walk on it to the other side. Once inside, you’ll notice the jail cell (behind bars) and the jail ventilator on one of its walls.

The Weapon Safe is a great place to store your Crossbow and Tranquilizer Darts. It is located in the Secret Area on the Top Floor and can be accessed with the Weapon Key. The Weapon Safe is a great addition to the game and will help keep your equipment safe and secure.

Where is the hidden closet in Granny Chapter 1?

The Hidden Closet is a secret room on the upper floor of the Secret Area. It was added in Version 11 and is connected to the Secret Area’s Top Floor. The Closet is hidden behind a false wall and can only be accessed by using the Secret Area Key. Inside the Closet, players will find several chests that contain rare and valuable items.

If you’re looking for an object, the best thing to do is to move quickly through the room and scan possible locations. Open any doors and drawers you see, but be careful not to make too much noise or granny will hear.

What do the Clippers do in Granny

The Cutting Pliers is a very versatile tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. Perhaps most notably, it can be used to cut through wire and disable the electrical lock on the front door. Additionally, it can also be used to open the chained box in the jail room by cutting through the chains that are locking it. Ultimately, the Cutting Pliers is a valuable tool that can come in handy in a variety of situations.

Teddy is a cute little Easter Egg in the game that allows you to hear Granny coming. You can hear her heartbeat when she is near as long as you are holding Teddy. Teddy also reveals a Slenderina Easter Egg in the game.

Where is the secret Closet in Granny?

The bookcase in the living room conceals a hidden closet – to reveal it, you must first remove Slendrina’s Diary from the shelf. Doing so will cause the bookcase to slide to the left, revealing the entrance to the closet. Inside the closet you’ll find all sorts of secrets…

The sauna lock is used to lock granny in sauna. Locking her in the sauna while it is activated for 15 seconds will knock granny out.

Where is the baby room in Granny

The Nursery is a room in Granny that connects with the main area of the Attic with the Jail. This room was added to Granny in Version 12, along with the Attic itself.

There are 5 endings in the game, each of which can be achieved by escaping through a different door. The Door Ending is the only ending that can be achieved by simply escaping through the door. In order to achieve the other endings, the player must interact with the environment in a specific way.


There is no specific answer to this question since it would depend on where you keep your screwdriver and what kind of granny you have.

The screwdriver is safe in granny’s room.

Joe owns a small tool workshop in Utah. He inherited passion for construction from his father and aims to help others writing educational articles in his spare time. Every man should know how to fix basic things around the house!

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